Sunday, January 27, 2008

Georgina by Clare Darcy

At first I wasn't sure I would like this book as Georgina was very irritating in the beginning. A little to grumpy for my taste. But that only last for the first part of the book. I enjoyed it and will put it with the rest of my Clare Darcy collection.
Georgina was impossible! Everyone who loved Georgina despaired of her future. As wilful as she was beautiful, the young English heiress did exactly as she pleased in defiance of society's conventions. Her gentle mother trembled, her imperious grandmother raged, her legion of suitors were thrown into confusion at Georgina's madcap escapades and maddening ways.

Only one person was not troubled by Georgina's outrageous conduct-the rich, handsome, very arrogant Mr. Shannon. Mr. Shannon, in fact, did not even deign to notice Georgina's existence.

Georgina decided to change all that-with results that startled no one more than Georgina herself.

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