Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Spirited Bluestocking by Joan Overfield

I didn't finish reading this book all the way as it has a ghost in it. I find ghosts in books very creepy and have no need to keep reading on. Therefore I won't write what the back of the book cover said. I was on page 127 and there where 257 pages to the end. As for the writer I found that she used to many over used catch phrases that Regency Romances writes find compelled to drop. The main female character was angry. Not quite as bad as Sara in The Thief of Hearts. This book was not as bad as the aforementioned but only marginally. I would rename this book "The Annoying Bluestocking".

Yes I know this is the second old Regency Romance book that I have written about so far. There will be more to come as the lot of books I bought off of eBay were all Regency Romances. I have my eye on a lot of old mystery books. We shall see what happens.....

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