Monday, February 11, 2008

Lord Rivington's Lady by Eileen Jackson

Okay this was almost painful in the grumpy woman department and I even started to feel embarrassed in how she was treating and talking to Lord Rivington. I really don't think that he would have stuck around for all the abuse he was put through.

Lord Alexander Rivington Was The Most Hateful Man Georgina Had Ever Known.

Lord Rivington began by virtually assaulting Georgina at their first chance meeting. Then this incredibly wealthy and handsome aristocrat publicly mocked Georgina's views on the rights of women while the cream of Regency society looked on. From there he went on to physically thrash Georgina's beloved brother, financially ensnare Georgina's family, not bother to deny his shameful relationship to a servant girl-and arrogantly demand Georgina in marriage.

Georgina had every reason to detest this thoroughly impossible and egotistical male. She vowed that nothing in the world would make her join the list of victims of his charms. Indeed, Lord Rivington was due for a richly earned comeuppance-and Georgina for a most unexpected awaking...

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